Our Services


We provide industry proven state of the art controller which can be programmed in IEC 61131-3 languages.

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We provide intelligent controllers custom made to optimize your process.

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We connect to all popular industrial data sources and provide interactive dashboards for factory floor personel as well as management.

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About Us

We are Automation Experts

Gone were the days were automation solutions are only in the hands of few multinational companies with tight vendor lock in. In this new age of AI we provide industrial solutions adhering to latest software engineering principles.

We provide off the shelf edge computing hardware which can suit your automation needs ranging from PLC control to AI on edge.

Why Choose Us

Industry Experts

Our Multinational team of Automation and Software experts comprise of over a decade of knowledge both in India and Germany. We strive at targeting the real bottlenecks and painpoints in the shopfloor

Reliable and Secure Solution

Wheather its our software or hardware solutions we have performed rigourous testings and undergone various certifications in europe

Scalable Solution

One of the requirement for a new age factory is to have open architecture so that all the softwares can communicate with each other and provides a holistic view of the process. Our solution is exactly developed considering scalability and interoperability

Our Team

Sitaram Sarma

CTO and Founder
